Children and their world without borders
If we wanted to regain purity in our relationships, wouldn’t we look to a child? They make friends without prejudice. They do not look at the country of origin of other children, nor at their different accents or customs. They see beyond borders. But in order for them to continue to carry that vision to the rest of the world as adults, they need to be educated from a young age in an environment that prevents hatred, xenophobia and violence. Today, September 9th, which is the International Day for the Protection of Education from Attack (thanks to an official decree established by the UN last year), we remember that this is the purpose of our project ‘Together we are more’.
Through it, throughout this 2021, we want to promote an inclusive climate in schools, something that would be impossible without guaranteeing children and young people around the world a safe environment, allowing them to interact in freedom and serenity, and to acquire a comprehensive education.
That is why we face the beginning of the school year with new awareness workshops through which we show the richness of interculturality, which means adding the best of each person and their different origins and experiences.
Nothing like their example. Like the friendship between Alex and Yéscar, which they tell us in this video: